30 Days of Loki … Day 16 Law

Last month I spent several posts discussing Hela’s gift of the Longview. It isn’t just a gift, however, as much as it is something that she teaches her followers to live by. Each of the underworld Gods within the Rokkatru tradition has something important to teach us. Hela teaches us vision. Loki teaches us self knowledge.

This is vital, in my opinion, to understanding Loki and his motives. Self knowledge can be explained like this; ‘No matter if you are truthful or lying to everyone else, you must never lie to yourself.’ Knowing who you are, both the good and the bad, is what being a Lokean is all about. And if you should try to lie to yourself, well Loki will be there to remind you. You can also view this as the gift of personal identity. When you can except yourself, so will everyone else. 

It is interesting that this does fall into the concept of ‘no expectations ‘ that I talked about yesterday. Knowing who you are means knowing what you are and are not capable of. As easy as it sounds, it is hard to accomplish sometimes. This is a world where we lies to ourselves on a regular basis. It has become easier to convince ourselves of the lies we can tell. Those who follow Loki, tend to learn very quickly that these lies are not allowed. Some get smacked harder then others, but we all learn.

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